하비갑개 절제술/편도 봅시다카테고리 없음 2020. 1. 15. 08:32
https://youtu.be/RAnFD-a6mm8 편도 적출 Tonsillectomy편도 tonsil
비갑개 = Turbinate 상 비갑개 Superior Turbinate중 비갑개 = Middle Turbinate 시모비갑개 Inferior TurbinateA sinus is a sac or cavity in any organ or tisue, or an abnormal cavitye and connecting to it.Cavity 첫an empty space within a solid object, in particular the human body.2.a decayed part of a tooth. 나쁘지 않아는 2번 뜻만 알고 있었는데 Cavity에 첫번째 의미가 있고 나쁘지 않다. Passagethe process of propagating microorganisms or cells in a series of host organisms or culture media, so as to maintain them or modify their virulence. virulence처음이다.the severity(being severe)or harmfulness of a disease or poison."the proportion of birds which die depends on the virulence of the virus"2.bitter hostility;rancor."he was clearly pained by the virulence of the attacks"코 뼈 골절 정복 시하 코 갑개 외향 골절술 의사예요.상적 유용성에 대한 연구 A study of the effectiveness of the out fracture of the inferior turbinoplasty with reduction nasal bone fracture 타이틀 (국문) 하비갑개 외향골절술 결과에 영향을 미치는 하비갑개의 해부학적 인제 분석 제목 (영문) Anatomical Faeptoouseptouseptousical Faeptoody of the effectiveness of the effectiveness of the out fractiveness of the oution of the outs enough to improgery? 이렇게 물어보면 I had Tonsillectomy and inferior turbinoplasty라고 예기하면 된다.하하 외국에서 병원에 가기가 어려워..